Plunger Pump Training Programs to Maximize Operator Safety and Pump Operation
Wastecorp provides on-site instructional programs designed to provide operators and maintenance crew with a comprehensive review and instruction on the workings of a plunger pump, which are in service in many primary and secondary industrial and municipal sludge plants. Pump training assists operators in the safe and effective use of sludge pumping equipment.
Pump Training is conducted by factory trained Wastecorp team members. Most facilities select our comprehensive plunger pump training program which covers the following topics:
1. Introduction
General overview of the pumps that your facility has selected for sludge handling
2. Equipment Operation
A detailed instruction on how plunger pumps move sludge in the modern wastewater treatment facility. Topics discussed include how to maximize pump operation with the typical volume of sludge your facility handles daily.
3 . Operating Functions and Dynamics
The instructor shows staff on how the various components of the plunger pump work including: how to adjust capacity, where sewage travels throughout the pump and how to prevent premature wear of components.
A - Component identification- Instructor trains staff on how to identify various components of the plunger pump for quick replacement.
B - Start-up/shut down procedures
4. Components and Maintenance
A thorough review of specific pump components that are unique to your installation and operating conditions.
5. Preventative Maintenance
Maintenance staff learn about daily, monthly and yearly maintenance procedures to ensure safe and effective pump operation. Instructor provides maintenance charts for staff use identifying the necessary maintenance procedures
6. Pump Servicing
A detailed instruction on the tools required and necessary procedures for servicing the pump. Staff participates in common procedures for pump maintenance.
Additional training programs:
- Refresher Pump Training Course (1/2 day)
- New Staff Training (1/2 day)
- Integrating new equipment into your sludge pumping operations (1 day)